Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Guy is Creepier...

...than originally thought.

Wikileaks founder accused of rape
Assange said: "The charges are without basis and their issue at this moment is deeply disturbing."
Awwwe. Poor baby. We dish it out but we can't take it.

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Blogger Uncle Timmie Rudizuli said...

Gosh! Well, I guess this is the easiest and best way to destroy someones credibility, hmmm?

August 21, 2010 7:43 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Too late for that.

August 21, 2010 7:49 am  
Blogger Zach Bell said...

So your rationale is that wiki leaks and Assange as its public face releases documents full of fact based information and somehow, what could be fictional and baseless accusations being tossed at him is some how par for the course?

I'm sorry, I don't see the dish it out/take it back correlation here. I'm not looking through the same warped lenses that you are I suppose.

I guess that if a debating opponent bests their detractor, their detractor punching that person in the face is a form of equal return. That's how true blue conservatives debate or what?

Not that I am assuming his innocence. he could be as guilty as can be but your little "witty" remark don't make no sense here.

August 23, 2010 9:45 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Two things are in store for this guy, depending on what country gets first crack at him: a charge of treason or a charge of espionage. Take your pick.

Even Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International are ticked off.

This sorry excuse for a man will be lucky if all he gets is a smear campaign. A bullet in the head is more likely.

August 23, 2010 10:53 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Hell, even the Huff and Puff Post is mad at him.

"The real tragedy here is not the basic information in the reports. It is the fact that these documents identify both the locations of operation and many of the tactics used by intelligence professionals both military and civilian putting them at an extremely high level of risk. Further, it puts civilians who are working on development projects with or housed by the military in imminent danger., whose founder, Julian Assange, who seems to be more interested in notoriety than truth, has acted irresponsibly. Assange, who also doctored an earlier video 'leaked' to show American troops shooting a journalist in Iraq, has made quite a bit of money on these disclosures. Despite his claim to secrecy, he has also made himself a instant media star.

Assange has not only put American soldiers at risk, he has put the lives of those serving for 34 other nations in jeopardy as well. He should be in jail for disclosing this information in a time of war."

August 23, 2010 11:11 pm  
Blogger Zach Bell said...

I haven't said that I approve of what wikileaks did, nor have I said that I find Assange to be admirable. What I said is that your post doesn't make sense.

Assange isn't getting what he dished out. What he's getting is entirely different. In your lust to see Assange thrashed, you're letting your judgment get clouded...further.

August 24, 2010 12:55 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Let me spell it out for you, darling.

Assange has no qualms about digging up what he considers to be dirt and plastering it on the internet, but when the tide runs the other way, he gets all huffy and puffy and offended. Poor boy.

I'm sorry you are so obtuse. But, that ain't my fault.

August 24, 2010 1:47 am  
Blogger Zach Bell said...

But in order for this to be tit for tat, you must then assume the accusations to be true. You seem to fail to acknowledge the difference between what is verifiable fact based information and as as of yet unproven information. If the accusations levelled against this man who has become a very very public figure throughout the world turn out to be false, than this is not tit for tat. It is simply defamation of character as evidenced in your post title calling him creepier.

I apologize for your obtuse nature as well Louise and yes, I am certainly one hell of a darling.

Also, I'm not sure who wouldn't get huffy and puffy about being accused of rape whether they had released classified American military documents or not.

August 24, 2010 2:10 am  
Blogger Louise said...

So what are you saying? I find the guy to be very, very creepy. I don't care what he's been charged with. I've done the research on him and, quite frankly, I wouldn't let him anywhere close to anyone that I love, most especially, anyone of the female persuasion. And I don't need your good housekeeping seal of approval from you or anyone else to confirm the fact that he creeps me out. The guy has some serious screws loose.

August 24, 2010 2:33 am  
Blogger Zach Bell said...

What am I saying? Well, at the risk of repeating myself, I'm saying that your witty remark makes no sense and so it ain't so witty.

Heck, beyond assuming that the charges have since been withdrawn and that he is now being investigated for sexual assault instead of rape, you still argued in this comment thread in opposition to what I said which was essentially that he is not getting what he dished out as you assert. As I said earlier, it makes as much sense as the following being held up as an example of equal exchange. Two people engage in debate and one bests the other. The one who was bested decides to punch the winner of the debate in the face and as his victim complains that he was just punched in the face, the debate's loser oddly remarks "Oh so you can dish it out but you can't take it huh?"

Leave it to some one in accounting to try to make something so simple into something so complicated. I mean that in the most jocular sense possible of course. People in my industry (trucking) sometimes tend to try and make complex things as simple as possible.

August 24, 2010 2:41 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Here's more on his creepiness.

August 24, 2010 2:52 am  
Blogger Louise said...

"Leave it to some one in accounting"

Don't believe everything you read. I am not in accounting.

August 24, 2010 2:59 am  
Blogger Zach Bell said...

Ah, well I thought since you had written it, maybe it was potentially believable. Suppose I missed a joke there.

As for your link, it has very little to do with what I've posted here as commentary. Aside from the fact that you acknowledge that rape charges have been dropped kinda taking the wind out of your sails regarding the motivation for this decidedly not witty post, nothing posted there has anything to do with what I've posted. sure you're not in accounting?

August 24, 2010 3:04 am  
Blogger Louise said...

"I thought since you had written it"

If you're referring the accountant thing, I didn't write it. It was just there at the top of a very long list of potential professions and I just decided to leave it untouched so as to not reveal more about myself. You know. The whole privacy on the internet thingy.

I once had a good friend who was a counselor. She worked at the U of S hospital and, alas, she died young from luekemia. She once told me she could size a person up in about 15 minutes.

I tend to be that way too. For example, you're a boring leftist with a burr up your ass. Your little dig about "are you sure" is a dead giveaway.

Then again, maybe it's a female thing. With enough life experience, we tend to have a sixth sense about the creepiness factor in other people. This Assange character, who once sat in his mother's basement hacking into computer systems and was charged by the Australian government with (and pled guilty to) 24 charges of hacking.

You've no doubt heard about the child rapist, Roman "If I had killed somebody, it wouldn’t have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But… f—ing, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to f— young girls. Juries want to f— young girls. Everyone wants to f— young girls!" Polanksi, I presume. I suppose you worship him, too.

And I doubt you know anything about Carlos the Jackal, but my hunch is, he'd be right up there among your heroes, too.

You're a self-consumed bore, Zach. Go away.

August 24, 2010 9:19 am  
Blogger Louise said...

And besides, don't you find it just a wee bit hypocritical that a guy who advocates complete openness leads such a peripatetic, secretive existence? He's a reincarnation of the Jackal except he does his killing by proxy.

August 24, 2010 9:31 am  
Blogger Zach Bell said...

Well Louise, I think you'd better get that sixth sense checked and as for Mr Polanski, I wouldn't mind if he had a very unfortunate run in with razor wire and a former victim. I couldn't endorse it but I certainly couldn't condemn it...nor hide the grin I imagine.

I find it amusing to a point and frustrating to another when some one decides that they can pigeon hole some one as a leftist, right winger or wishy washy moderate as if these labels serve to succinctly explain political view points. These short cut labels are as inadequate as your claimed sixth sense about people Louise. At the very best, I imagine you could surmise that I'm a bad typer but then I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt seeing as you haven't pointed it out. Actually...I supposed I've 'talked real good' here so maybe it just wasn't noticeable in this instance.

Also, thank you for the evaluation regarding my being poorly read. I know plenty about Carlos the Jackal. Let me ask, when you were reading about him, did you pick up "The Day of the Jackal" or did you actually read about Sanchez?

You have failed to understand my point. That is possibly my fault but I don't think that's likely. Rather I think you've been trying to draw a different debate out of me and I've just been enjoying the resistance I've given you to that attempt. You have also failed to understand my motivation for posting here (though it's certainly been fun) and you have also failed to apply your sixth sense and possibly may want to consider calling it a fifth sense and a half seeing as it doesn't seem to work so well.

As for the burr up my ass, I've been promised by our wonderful socialist doctors that I could get bumped up the waiting list for surgery on that if some one else dies in a car accident.

Again Louise, I'm simply pointing out that your witty post was a flat on its face failure in regard to wit. I have made no allusions here regarding what I think of Assange, Wikileaks, their decision to release classified American Military documents as they did or that it served a positive or negative purpose. I have simply pointed out that in regard to the ability to exercise logic, you don't haz it.

By the way, there's a very good counter argument to my position. I've been waiting for it because I honestly don't have a good reverse counter for it. I think it would be find to exchange that back n forth. Would you like me to e-mail it to you or...?

August 24, 2010 11:05 am  
Blogger Zach Bell said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 24, 2010 11:26 am  

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