Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friends of Canadian Broadcasting Needs Our Help

Over at Small Dead Animals, Kate has posted a screen shot of a portion of the Friends of Canadian Broadcasting (a CBC advocacy group) webpage in which the FCB is asking for suggestions on how to improve the CBC now that it's in search of a new manager. Naturally, I have things to say about CBC, so I clicked and found they had a form to fill out, with a place to type in all your contact information and a box to write your suggestions. All fields in the contact information were "required". They are promising to send the suggestions on the Hubert LaCroix, CBC's President, and to Stephen Harper. Here is what I suggested:
"There are only two ways CBC can be improved:

1) Dismantle it. Lay off the employees and sell off the assets.

2) Failing that, privatize it.

The thing is beyond redemption and has been for years. Acting as a propaganda agent for left wing causes is not an appropriate role for an organization funded by tax dollars.

Oh. And a note to Friends of Canadian Broadcasting. I'm rather curious why you ask for full name and contact information without the assurance that such information will not be shared with anyone else. Seeing as how I am not "friendly" to the idea of a public broadcaster, I have to wonder, will my information go into a special file, to be used at some future date? Seriously, folks. If you want to be considered a serious organization, why don't you act like one?"

I intend to send this to Stephen Harper myself, because I DO NOT believe for one minute, FCB will forward messages that are contrary to their goal.

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