Canada's Last Best Hope
AAAANNNDDD, it might just be what Harper's crew in Ottawa needs to turn the corner and start leading like a conservative. Can you imagine the impact a Toronto sweep by a politically incorrect mayoral candidate will do to Iggy and Taliban Jack, both of whom represent Toronto ridings. And considering the politically incorrect stirrings coming out the La Belle Provence, with its recent stands against the forces of Islamofacism, a new day for this country may be dawning.
Oh, the prospects are delicious. Is it too much to be wished for that the long dark night of PC oppression in this country is about to have the ground beneath them washed away. Toronto, I may just love you once again. Please do the right thing.
PS: Do you think Harper's decision to hold the G20 meeting in downtown liberal effete-ville with the chaos that anyone could have predicted ensuing, may have been a deliberate calculation. After all, he does have a hidden agenda, doesn't he? Well, doesn't he!!
PPS: How, pray tell, is the CBC supposed to dig up dirt on this guy when it's all right out in the open? They must be shitting bricks, too, 'cause Lord knows, they've tried and tried and tried.
I mean, fer chris' sake. He's a football coach (at a Catholic high school for young men that emphases athletics) who allegedly had a physical confrontation with one of his players. What right does he have to run the city of the annointed! [Ed. Note: I don't know much about that particular school, but I do know that there are institutions across the country, indeed, across the world, with the name Bosco attached to them and their primary mission seems to be working with "troubled" youth.]
Any way, he reminds me a bit of this guy:
Take a stroll through the podcasts listed on CBC Toronto's website and tell me how much political correctness you find reflected there.
Labels: Canadian politics, elitism, political correctness, Toronto
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