Saturday, July 24, 2010

Republicans Send Message to Iran

Not that it will get anywhere, with the Dems lock-hold on power. But I'm sure Iranians will notice, and the average Iranian citizen on the streets and rooftops are probably the intended target of the message anyway. At least they'll know there are some people in the USA who want them to be free.

It's a good way to bring the Arabs onside, too, and maybe thereby nudge a bit more reform out of them. I'm pretty sure they see the writing on the wall for the Dems in this fall's elections, no less than the Dems themselves do.

The Repubs have much greater savvy when it comes to global issues and politics than the current crop of Dems by a long shot. I suspect the Dems haven't even noticed that bowing and scraping before potentates hasn't produced the desired effects. Or maybe it has, but that's just too frightening to contemplate.

ht: American Power

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