Thursday, July 22, 2010

More From Plimer

Here he is being interview by Australia's answer to Chris Matthews.

And a radio program.

Part 1

Best line: "The easiest way to reduce global population is to make everyone wealthy, and that means in the third world you won't want to have thirteen Children, hoping one will keep you alive in your old age."

Part 2

Best line: "We hear with this current blog global hysteria that there is no refereed literature out there saying the contrary view. Well that's just rubbish. ... "If you dig deep into the scientific literature there is a huge amount of contrary information. It just doesn't reach the airwaves."

Part 3.

Best line: "Every time the climate has got cold the vegetarians have become extinct."

I'm reading Plimer's book Heaven and Earth right now and it is replete with footnotes and citations from the scientific literature. I'd like to see one climate hysteria blogger go head to head with this and come out alive.

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