Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Importance of Being a Journolister

The "naked, blatant" truth about journalists. They're in the news suppression and smearing - even violence against - opponents business.

Andrew Klavan:
"They are so convinced that they own the news; that they have a right to tell us what to think; and what attitudes..."
Bill Whittle:
"All of this is a collusion among people who are providing the information that the citizens of a free republic base their voting decisions on. All of this is a giant collusion with the worst kind of childishness and bitter vitriol and the suppression of critical facts. If that's not worthy of being known, what is!"
Andrew Klavan:
"In these emails they discuss the ideas of isolating Fox News, of yanking their White House credentials, saying it's not a news organization. The Obama administration tried to do exactly that. And to their credit, the mainstream networks said "No. If you don't include them, then don't include any of us." And they did stand up, so there is obviously a conscience still running through parts of this Main Stream Media. Surely they have to begin to see that they have gone astray."
"..I don't think they have the people any more to do this."
Bill Whittle:
"The information delivery system is so badly corrupted - right? - that it's simply shocking, but will the news of the corruption get out, because it is, after all, the information delivery system that's got the problem."
Listen to the whole thing at PJTV here and here. (You might have to register, but it's free.) CBC is even worse. It's funded by the taxpayer.

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