Monday, July 19, 2010

Blogroll Update (Bumped)

UPDATE: I see that Darcy at Dust My Broom may be shutting it down. It appears he's had a stroke and his brain ain't functioning too well at the moment. Godspeed, Darcy. My prayers (for what they're worth) are with ya'. My sister, the baby in the family, had a stroke about three years ago and she's very nearly fully recovered (still has a limp, but that's about all).  Not yet 50 when it happened, she was waaaaay too young for that shit. She still had (has) two kids at home and has worked like a dog for most of her life to keep body and soul together.  Divorced, single mom. Nothing but high school matriculation to draw upon. Paying a mortgage and keeping the house in good repair. But she was and is a fighter. And you are, too.  Dust My Broom was a riot.  Always good for a laugh.  You'll be missed.
I've added a list of satirical blogs under the heading ROTFLMAO!

I could have put The Mayor of Mitchieville there, too, but he's already under my Canadian Blogs list, and that's where he'll stay. Another Canuck blog which is also pretty funny, The Iceman, deserves a ROTHFLMAO! award, too. Ya gotta love his surveys.

The Yankee blog, Knowledge is Power also deserves a spot, but she'll stay where she is.

I could have put an assortment of leftie blogs there too, since they are unintentionally laughable in the sickest of ways, but, I got standards, ya know.

Anyway, the ROTFLMAO! list is a work in progress. Expect more as I find them.

PS: I've also removed a couple of Canadian blogs which have either closed up shop or gone "by invitation only".



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