Blast From the Past
Today, this is one of the entries uncovered. (I think it may have been my pal, Indigo Red, who was searching.) The "Sean" I am referring to is Sean Shaw, who used to have a blog that I visited from time to time. Sean was/is a graduate of an Environmental Science program from some university in Ontario who found himself transported to Saskatchewan and was living in Saskatoon. I believe he was either a student or a faculty member at the U of S. He was a staunch NDPer/Green freak. In any case, he had swallowed all the usual leftie nonsense about every bleeding thing in the universe.
I still think my response to him, of which the link is only a part, is one of the best I've ever written.
PS: You also get to learn a lot about geography. Did you know there was a place in Texas called Sugar Land? Kinda evokes a bit of that sweet southern drawl, don't it. (Which I love, BTW. Lefties like to ridicule it, but I like it.)
Labels: sitemeter sightings, trivia
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