Some Background Reading
Giving it back to B. Ki-Moon - in which Ki-Moon is said to have admonished Stephen Harper for "for Canada's shameless failure to meet its carbon-reduction obligations under the Kyoto protocol."
Hah!! As if the UN has any credibility on this issue! (Does it have credibility on anything?) Anywho, the article is as good a summary as you're going to find on the bankruptcy of the AGW crowd and their persistent belief in fairy-tales - which are succinctly summarized, by the way. Rex Murphy is the author so you know it's gotta be good and his concluding sentence tells us precisely where we are on this issue and what must happen next. So do give it a read.
All of this reminds me that I must do something about the "Various Anglos Everywhere Else" list on the side bar. Two out of the five blogs listed there are dead, in fact one is not just dead, but gone. I think I might turn it into an "Issues" list. Top of the list would be AGW debunkers, and on that score, one that's already on the list that will still be there is Greenie Watch, from Australia, which should also be on your list of background reading for the up-coming conference.
The conference is the brainchild of the Heartland Institute. Their website has links to the past three conferences. More info about the 4th conference, which starts this evening, is here.
This is the kind of thing I wouldn't mind paying for, but it's coverage is free. Yet, still, we have CBC, which fewer and fewer people watch or listen to, and we are all forced to pay for it. The world is mad.
Oh well. Hope springs eternal. We just gotta keep letting those guys and gals in Ottawa know the facts - about both dinosaurs - AGW and CBC.
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