Oh, But He's Still Scary...
"A new abortion law for Canada just isn't in the cards, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Friday as the issue continues to bubble and backbench Conservatives press for new legislation."[---]
"It's not the first time Harper has expressed opposition to an abortion law, but the charged issue has come to the surface with his refusal to fund abortions as part of a G8 maternal-health initiative."[---]
"A Harper spokesman has previously said opposition critics are determined to politicize the issue despite the Prime Minister’s stand against bringing in any abortion law.After all, Marci said he can't be trusted.
In 2008, the Harper government blocked a bill from Conservative MP Ken Epp that would have made it a separate offense for killing a fetus when a pregnant woman was murdered."
Labels: abortion, Harper's hidden agenda, scaaarrry, Stephen Harper
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