Saturday, May 22, 2010

Drive Your Cars, Canuckistanies!

Seems Canucks want to hang on to their vehicles with their cold dead hands.
"Nearly eight in 10 people (78%) claim to be concerned about the environmental impact of their wheels, as transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in this country. But even when walking, biking or public transit are viable options for them, three-quarters of Canadians (75%) will still choose to drive."
"But the combined forces of urban sprawl, inconvenient public transit, and lifestyles that have been organized around -- and dominated by -- cars means this may be easier said than done, according to a Canadian expert on automobile culture."
For good reason, too.

And who knows, maybe that will help the Mongolians deal with the catastrophic consequences of the extremely cold winter they've had to endure.
"Nearly 20 percent of Mongolia's livestock has died as a result of one of the worst winters in 50 years, and the figure could double by the end of the year unless some $18 million in humanitarian funding is met, the United Nations said Wednesday."
"So far, the United Nations estimates that 30,000 households have seen at least half of their livestock perish, and a further 9,000 families lost all of their animals.

"The herders are dependent on animals, and Mongolia is dependent on the herders," Rana said, adding that the country was already seeing an increase in child mortality and malnutrition rates."
I don't know, though, that AGW seems pretty elusive. And somebody will have to remind the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change about this well before they issue their next report so they can find some way of erasing the humanitarian Mongolian disaster from the record. In the meantime, keep driving your vehicles, fellow Canucks.  It's the least we can do for them.

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