Tuesday, April 20, 2010

There's Roughly a Dozen..

...videos at CTV's website about the economic impact of the Eyjafjallajokull eruption and one at CBC's website.

And then there's this astute analysis from Saskatchewan's most naive blogger.
"This is what happens when you base your economy on businessmen flying in and out of countries instead of using the Internet and telephone to its greatest capacity." (emphasis mine)
As if, Saskboy.
"If everyone didn’t try to live on the wire, and had some patience, things would work a lot more simply when nature taps us on the shoulder and says, “Hey there, slow down and do something else for a day or two.”"
Yes, Saskboy. Try importing flowers from Holland before they wilt, or exporting lobster to France using the Internet and telephone.  Try running a tourist resort by the Mediterranean without tourists. Try finding hotel rooms for those thousands of stranded travellers, whose rooms are now occupied with people who had arrived just hours before the volcano blew. Try making up the lost wages of those passengers who would have been back at work by now, not to mention the taxes collected on those wages.

Try using your brain, once in a while, Saskboy. Use it, or lose it, if it's not too late. I presume you know what the term "watermelon" means. Or maybe you don't

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Blogger Saskboy said...

The argument stands for them too. If they miss a week of business, dependent upon international trade which can be predicted to be inconsistent, then they aren't planning well, are they?

April 20, 2010 3:50 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Are you suggesting that they should constantly be overstocked? With items that are perishable?? Lots more refrigeration would be needed, I suppose. Oops. Greenhouse gasses. Can't do that. But even if that weren't a concern, fresh flowers and foodstuffs do not stay fresh indefinitely. It's already been 31 days since it blew.

How about going to funerals in Poland? No telling whether or not the volcano will blow if you actually set a date for a state funeral which world leaders will naturally want to attend. Best put those bodies in cold storage indefinitely. That should do the trick. Oops. Can't do that, either. Cold storage uses energy. Oh the horrors!

That volcano is going to be spewing ash for a long time to come and some are even predicting a second, larger eruption from a nearby location.

Face it, Saskboy. You haven't taken the time to think this one through. You're definitely not a naturalist. Your ignorance about how the planet works is astounding.

April 20, 2010 4:35 pm  

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