Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Old British Film About Iraq and Other Stuff

...at the end of Empire:



h/t Eye Raki

And while I'm on the topic of Iraqi blogs, I like Iraqi Mojo's take on the "scandalous" film about Americans shooting "innocent" reporters. Maury, an old-time commenter from Iraq the Model, weighs in in the comments, too. He makes an excellent point:
"Someone should tell Reuters that calling insurgents reporters doesn't ensure their safety. If they were reporters,they weren't the brightest bulbs on the tree. Hey,let's go hang with armed men on a Baghdad street corner during the height of the insurgency. Gotta love the comments by Wikileaks in the video. "Although some of the men appear to have been armed,the behavior of nearly everyone was relaxed". By "nearly",they're apparently referring to the dead guy on top of the unexploded RPG round....LOL." 4/7/10 7:20 AM
"What exactly are the rules of engagement when it comes to insurgents? Can they only be shot after a suicide bombing,or after setting off a roadside bomb? Maybe someone should have asked them nicely to drop the RPG's? Are soldiers targets 24/7,while insurgents can only be shot when they don't "appear relaxed"? As for the Reuters guys,someone should have warned them of the dangers of doing PR work for insurgents." 4/7/10 11:58 AM
And lookie here!! The MSM actually reports on the question of the Wikileak's authenticity!!! Of course it's Fox. Anybody seen anything like this from all the other propagandist's willing accomplices? I'd love to see CBC follow this, but I suspect we won't. Not in a million years.

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