Welcome to Canada, Ann!
I've been too busy all day to do justice to this right now, but I've wanted to put together a list of links to relevant articles about Ann Coulter's speaking tour. She started last night at my old alma mater, the University of Western Ontario. Today, it was supposed to have been in Ottawa at the University of Ottawa. Of course the rent-a-riot-crown worked their magic and the thing has been canceled. She is still scheduled to speak in Calgary, though.
The most intriguing part of the whole thing is, she might just take our human rights commissions on over what appears on face to be a very stupid letter written to her warning her to watch her language, a letter written by the Vice Provost of something or other for students.
In the meantime, the best place to start is with Coulter's guest appearance on the Michael Coren show last night and follow up at Five Feet of Fury. Start here and work your way up especially if you want the real story on the "camel" quote. Hopefully, I'll have more on that tomorrow.
(New) During the Michael Coren Show interview Coulter also provides the context for several of the soundbites that CTV repeats here.
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