Little Green Footballs are Falling!
Every once in a blue moon I take a look at Little Green Footballs. I hadn't been there in more than a year, or thereabouts. So today, I took a look, and what are they doing, you may ask? They're freaking out about the this article describing a "record warm winter" and are 100% convinced that means that man is screwing up the planet.
I wonder if they had a similar episode of mass hysteria when this was announced last fall:
Record lows, global cooling across US
It was an unusually cold summer this side of the border, too.
One of the commenters was even saying "we haven't had an El Nino for quite a while", when, if he had bothered to read the article he would have seen the following:
"Phillips says the extraordinary winter appears to be tied to several factors, chief among them El Nino, a shift in the winds and ocean currents in the Pacific Ocean, and the shrinking Arctic ice, which has thinned and retreated markedly in recent years.These folks really should learn what the phrase "in history" means. With respect to the prospect of human caused warming, it is frequently used in alarmist literature to mean "since records were first kept", which of course, is but a tiny droplet in the vast sea of earth's history.
"I think it's a combination of a strong El Nino and the shrinking and disappearance of the ice at the top of the world," says Phillips, adding that changing "pressure spots" in the Arctic and Atlantic also played a role. "They've all been working in cahoots to create this unbelievable winter.""
Perhaps they should read stuff like this one:
Paleoenvironmental Perspectives on Climate Change Sea-Ice History of the Arctic Passage;
or this: Historic Variation in Arctic Ice
or this: Don't panic: the arctic has survived warmer temperatures in the past,
this: Arctic sea ice gone by 2015? A challenge to David Barber
to list but a few.
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