Monday, March 22, 2010

Iraqi Election Watch

Iraq's electoral commission to announce full preliminary results on Friday

Al Maliki calls for Iraqi vote recount as Allawi takes lead

Iraqi PM demands recount of election ballots 'to avoid return of violence'

Iraq's election commission rejects Nouri al-Maliki's demand

Of course there was no fraud when Maliki was ahead. And so it goes. I hope Allawi wins, and of course, that Maliki's thinly veiled threat does not materialize. Just the fact that he would play this self-serving game speaks volumes, though.

With neither of the leading parties garnering enough seats to actually form a government, coalitions will have to be built and Maliki's best option appears to be an alliance with Mooky's party. That would be a decidedly backward step, bringing Iraq closer to being an Iranian satellite state.

On the other hand, Allawi's group promises a move away from sectarianism and has the potential to include Kurdish parties in a coalition, both good things, IMHO. All we can do is wait and see, but I have to wonder if all those bombs being delivered to Diego Garcia are meant to send a decisive message to Iraq as much as Iran, not that the USA would bomb Iraq, but that Maliki should think twice about making unsavoury alliances.

Rumour has it they were originally intended for delivery to Israel and that Britain, to which the island belongs, is not pleased. Would The One have the balls to bomb Iran? Would he risk an international tiff with Britain? He has already alienated more than one American ally. Could this have anything to do with the wheeling and dealing back home intended to get opponents onside with the health care bill? In other words, was it a promise to someone in the Republican camp? All wild speculation on my part, of course, but obviously there were some sweetheart deals worked out in the last few days prior to yesterday's historic vote. Heck, maybe it's just a regular restocking of amo, as I read somewhere else. All will out in the fullness of time, I suppose, but I just find it very, very interesting in a Jupiter aligns with Mars sort of way.


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