Monday, March 29, 2010

The Humourless Left... in for a real battle. First the knickers-in-a-knot Ann Coulter Zero University fiasco, against which Coulter herself intends to file a complaint with the CHRC, as much to throw it in their faces as anything else, and now this:

Guy Earle's lawyer boycotts hearing

When your client is tried in a kangaroo court over a joke he told in a night club, and said kangaroo court admits it may not have jurisdiction, yet thinks the jurisdiction issue can wait until after the trial, it's time to start treating the whole thing as the joke that it is. Sardonic civil disobedience and laughter should ensue.


Blogger Indigo Red said...

Oh, my! This condition seems to be contagious. US House Speaker Pelosi said they had to pass the health care law before knowing what was in it; two Saudi high school history teachers told a news reporter the 9/11 attacks were retaliation for the invasion of Iraq; enrolled Muslim students at Trinity University, Texas object to attending a Christian school.
There is something completely bass-ackwards about certain groups of homosapiens I just can't put my finger on and even if I could, I wouldn't want to.

March 29, 2010 7:36 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Frankly, I'm somewhat speechless. And no. That's not an intended pun. The only bright light on this side of the border is the recent announcement made by one of our senators a few days ago.

God help us, if this comes to nothing.

I also noticed at Atlas Shrugs a day or two ago that the students at the U of Florida getting all fired up to do the same thing regarding a scheduled appearance by Robert Spencer. So, at least we have (bad) company.

March 29, 2010 8:05 pm  
Blogger Indigo Red said...

Good on Finley. We USers haven't figured out we're losing freedom of speech enough to ask the question. That's the pity of having freedom from birth - you don't know what you've got til it's gone.

March 29, 2010 9:02 pm  

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