Has My Hearing Become Selective..
...or has the "Anthropogenic" been taken out of the "AGW" meme?
No mention of it whatsoever here, even though they're sticking to their story as far as general overall climate change is concerned. And the catastrophe line seems to have evaporated, too. Heck. We're even allowed to read the dissenting views now.
The ban on scientific debate has been broken. The AGW fanatics have been quietly searching for a way to save face ever since the CRU whistle-blower episode. Little by little, via their proxy publications (ie. National Public Radio and the like), they have been softening the waters so that now the debate seems to centre on a much wider range of questions. For example:
1) Is the planet really warming catastrophically?
2) If so, does this present a real danger?
3) If the answer is "yes" to the first two questions, what is actually causing it? and finally,
4) If there is a need to do something about it, what can we, as mere humans, actually do?
Yesiree! A mis-trial has been declared. The jury has been reconstituted and is in the process of assembling witnesses, this time without the preclusion of a guilty verdict. It remains to be seen whether the jury will stick to the issue of science leaving politics out of it, or whether it will enter the realm of politics and actually propose that some of the actors should be brought up before a real court on criminal charges. After all, there seems to have been a massive Ponzi scheme at play and someone needs to take responsibility for the scam.
PS: Totally unbeknownst to me, Blazing Cat Fur was posting on this very subject today, via the classic Hitler-in-the-bunker vid, adaptable for any cause.
That is a brilliant observation Louise - I hadn't picked up on that! The CBC (Radio I) had another earnest presentation tonight about "climate change", related to snow. It is all so intellectually disingenuous. The presenter's question to the guest was "what would happen if we didn't have any snowfall in the mountains". Well, duh, bad things would happen. But that will never happen. Sheesh.
PS - the Corner has picked up the video of Oren that you posted a few days ago. Maybe the MSM will catch up to you eventually too!!
These things do seem to make the rounds a lot quicker in the blogosphere than in the old media, don't they.
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