Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wife Beating Manuals - In Europe

I've written frequently about the growing conflict between native Europeans and Muslim immigrants in their midst. A consistent theme in the news I hear/read coming from Europe is the stranglehold that political correctness has on the brains of the political elites as they deal with growing social problems, crime and confrontation in the Muslim immigrant communities.

Essentially, Muslims are not integrating, but rather maintaining themselves, often on the public dole, in ethnic enclaves, many of which have become no-go places for the native European peoples.

Lately, though, I have sensed a stirring among the great unwashed, whom the elites have heretofore either just patted on the head or else scolded for pointing out the Emperor's nakedness. There is the overwhelming support among the Dutch populous for Geert Wilders, the push-back in Britain against the Islamofascist goons who threatened to disrupt the funerals of British servicemen, the recent announcement in France that Sarkozy wants to ban the veil, and so on.

Now, there is this:

German Mosques Raided Over Wife-Beating Manual
"In a nationwide raid, police impounded copies of a banned book which called for violence against women. Beating of women is justified as “discipline,” so long as no bones are broken and no bruises left on the body."
I wonder how the elites will explain that one away? I suppose they think this will help.

(Vanderbilt University) Muslim student adviser: Death Penalty for 'gays'
"Vanderbilt University is distancing itself from a Muslim chaplain after he told a gathering of students homosexuality is punishable by death under Islam.

"I don't have a choice as a Muslim to accept or reject teachings. I go with what Islam teaches," said Awadh A. Binhazim, who is listed on the Vanderbilt website as "Adjunct Professor of Islam at the Divinity School" and an adviser to the Muslim Student Association. His comments came earlier this week at a diversity event for students.

He was asked directly, "Under Islamic law is it punishable by death if you are a homosexual?"

Binhazim said, "Yes. It is punishable by death.""
And from Salim Mansur:

"The demand by Europe’s officialdom — Canada’s officialdom is on the same page — that “free speech” must also meet the requirements of “responsible speech” when the subject is Islam is tantamount to repudiating Europe’s history that made her the cradle of the modern world of science and democracy.

The Wilders trial is indicative of Europe’s bleak future, as Fallaci had warned. This trial amounts to appeasing official Islam, which has demanded “defamation of religions,” according to a resolution adopted in the UN General Assembly in March 2008, be prohibited.

Moreover, in trying Wilders, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal has conceded space to the Islamists by accommodating, in practical terms, their demand for acceptance of Shariah (Islamic law) within secular society.

This can only mean abandoning those Muslims, especially women, who escaped from Islamic countries seeking freedom. They will become vulnerable once again to Islamists enforcing Shariah rule inside enclaves where Muslims reside within Europe."


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