Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who's Corrupt and Who Isn't?

You might have noticed my new list of "Good Stuff" in the sidebar. These are links to websites that deal with politics in Canada and around the world. There is one called Transparency International, which is an organization that monitors and reports on the level of corruption in governments around the world. Here is a vid about the organization:

In case you're curious where we fit in the world, I've pulled the top twenty from the table for 2009. Out of a possible score of 10 they rank as follows:

9.4 - New Zealand
9.3 - Denmark
9.2 - Singapore
9.2 - Sweden
9.0 - Switzerland
8.9 - Finland
8.9 - The Netherlands
8.7 - Australia
8.7 - Canada
8.7 - Iceland
8.6 - Norway
8.2 - Hong Kong
8.2 - Luxembourg
8.0 - Germany
8.0 - Ireland
7.9 - Austria
7.7 - Japan
7.7 - United Kingdom
7.5 - United States
7.4 - Barbados

There's 180 countries on the list, altogether. At rock bottom is Somalia. Bringing up the rear, just above Somalia are Afghanistan, Myanmar and Sudan. Whoopie!!

Surprisingly, there are two Arab countries ahead of Israel. Qatar scored 7.0 (above France, too), United Arab Emirates scored 6.5 and Israel 6.1. Get your act together, folks. There's always next year.

And until then, I'll hold my nose in the air because Canada outdid the USA by quite a margin. Hoot!!

Those Kiwis must be such prigs.


Anonymous Knight 99 said...

Not sure if it's relevent at all, but most of those top 20 countries are small islands or tiny countries (aside from Canada, Australia, US & Germany).

January 24, 2010 1:39 am  

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