The Real Reason Journos are in a Tizzy
"I'm beginning to appreciate the serious price to be paid for Stephen Harper's decison to close down Parliament for two months: an entire division of pundits, robbed of anything else to do, is forced into ruminations on cabinet shuffles, election dates and the threat to democracy represented by MPs having to spend every afternoon in their office instead of insulting one another at Question Period."Yup. That just about sums it up. A mountain out of a molehill.
Did it ever occur to these twerps from Ryerson et al that even when parliament is not in session MPs are still working. They do need to get back to their constituencies from time to time to rub shoulders, ask questions, hold meetings, etc., etc., with the actual people who voted for them and to whom they are responsible. Jesus Murphy, people, you aren't God's gift to the Canadian people. We can do quite well without your spinning and twisting of manufactured pseudo-scandals for another five weeks, thank you.
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