France: Fermez la Bouche
Sarkozy backs off from Haiti spat as US military airdrops aid
" a statement this morning the Elysee Palace insisted that President Sarkozy was entirely supportive of the American campaign, which he discussed in a phone call with Mr Obama last week. The statement praised America's "exceptional mobilisation for Haiti" and the "essential role" it was playing on the ground and said that Paris was "entirely satisfied" at its cooperation with Washington."Damn straight!!
"The arrival of the six US Navy helicopters was welcomed by the Haitians in the area who jammed the fence of the palace grounds as they landed."[---]
"The US military has also started airdrops of food and water, delivering 14,500 meals and 15,000 litres of water to a site just outside Port-au-Prince."[---]
"The US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, said that American forces would not play a police role but would defend themselves and “have the right to defend innocent Haitians and members of the international community if they see something happen”. Another US military official said the violence was isolated and was not impeding the humanitarian aid mission."I'm not about to cower in the shadow of legions of anti-Americanists. Indeed, I'll give a full-throated shout out to our southern neighbours.
Not to mention the fact that Miami is only a stone's throw away and it is only natural and logical that they should get there first and get the ball rolling. I mean, sheesh, France, get a life.
Amen, Louise. There are a few things that I dislike about my fellow Canadians, but firstly among them is their casual and off-handed anti-Americanism.
I still have to reconcile that with the general Canadian's Obama worship, but whatever
I sense an accusation of racism coming your way. Prepare to laugh.
As an American, thank you.
I would like to tell the world's critics of America's response that Haiti only has one port and one airport both of which were destroyed in the quake. The 82nd Airbourne set up airtraffic control literally on the ground next to the only somewhat operational runway. I think these guys did a fabulous job and continue to do so.
Still, I'd rather have a different Commander-in-Chief.
I know, Indigo, these idiots would rather call a meeting and spend several days bickering to decide who should lead and what is needed. Meanwhile, as they fart around, people are dying.
And it's not as if the Yanks can't get 'er done. They're just offended that someone else is better organized and better positioned and isn't putting their "feewings" before the need to act quickly and decisively.
It's like the neighbour at the end of the street whining because the neighbour next door got to the burning house first and rescued everyone. The one at the end of the block doesn't get to be the big hero riding in on a white horse so he's miffed at the one who did. Sheesh!!
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