Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh Yeah

That'll work.

Haiti earthquake: Corpses used as roadblocks as anger grows
"Gunshots were heard throughout the night and looting was commonplace as desperate survivors scrambled to find scarce supplies of food, water and medical equipment.

Gangs were also reported to be roaming the streets, making up rumours of a looming tidal wave so that they could steal from fleeing families.

Complicating the relief effort, the city's airport was closed for several hours due to severe overcrowding and a lack of airport fuel. The Pentagon has rejected criticism that it may have acted too slowly to deploy its military might in the first 24 hours of the disaster, saying it moved in assessment teams quickly.

But the relief effort faced serious challenges, Mr Obama said, with roads in Haiti impassable, communications rudimentary, and aftershocks still rumbling."
Sure. I understand the desperation, but if Haiti wasn't such a hell hole, maybe your buildings would have been constructed with rebar or something. After all, you live on a major fault.


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