Friday, December 18, 2009

So Much for Copenhagen Agreement

Senior White House Official: The 'Chinese are Dug In';'We've Done What We Can in' Copenhagen
"The original goal of the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen was a legally binding international treaty reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. It became clear months ago that at least partly because of the Chinese refusal to commit to serious greenhouse gas emission cuts, that would not happen.

Leaders from more than 190 countries have spent the last two weeks working on a more informal agreement, but that might not happen either."
"the US offer, Clinton underlined, was only "in the context of a strong accord in which all major economies...provide full transparency as to their implementation."

President Obama noted that as well, saying the offer was on the table "if -- and only if -- it is part of the broader accord" including transparency."
I would like to personally thank the Chinese for deep-sixing this most stupid of ideas. Stick to your guns, gentlemen.

Related: Prince Charles does his bit, "generating an estimated 6.4tons of carbon dioxide" while he's at it. At the same time Prime Minister Gordon Brown:
"...chartered a 185-seat Airbus to take him and 20 aides to Denmark. Was a smaller plane producing less carbon dioxide not available?

Could he perhaps have shared an aircraft with Prince Charles? Might he have considered taking a scheduled flight to the Danish capital, of which there were 16 on Tuesday?"


Blogger Robert W. said...

Just read your absolutely hilarious one-liner on SDA re Murray Dobbin. You just gave me an early Christmas present, Louise. Thank YOU!!!

December 18, 2009 5:56 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Thank you!! Once, many years ago, when he and I both lived in Saskatoon, I had the displeasure of sitting on a panel with him. The guy could not speak in plane English. Every sentence was peppered with hardcore commie speak. It was as amusing as it was disturbing. Not one original thought escaped his lips. I understand from seeing him on YouTube that he hasn't changed a bit.

December 18, 2009 8:28 pm  
Blogger Balbulican said...

"The guy could not speak in plane English".

Haow was his riting?

December 23, 2009 1:20 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

It was wurs than my speling, even when I haven't binn into the Chrismas cheer.

December 23, 2009 9:41 pm  
Blogger Balbulican said...


When you said "plane English", all I could think of was some of the bizarre phrasing that they use on in flight announcements. Like: "We do request that you remain seated until the aircraft has come to a complete and final stop..."

What's the word "do" doing in that sentence? And couldn't we dispense with "complete and..."? Doesn't a "final stop" sorta cover it?

Anyway, Merry Christmas from your English-obsessive commie buddy.

December 26, 2009 5:25 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Back at you, a couple of days late, but better late than never, from ur free enterprising reality loving arch-nemesis.

December 27, 2009 7:19 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Oh, ya. In response to you nit-picky commie English lesson, I would say that the "do" is a standard form of adding enough punch to the word "request" so that folks will interpret it as a command. And the use of both the words "complete" and "final" would indicate somewhat the same intent, in addition to the possibility that a plane (correctly spelled, you'll note) could in fact have to stop on the tarmac and sit for a while before taxiing up to the terminal for "deplaning". Now that last word is one the bugs my ass.

December 27, 2009 7:28 pm  
Blogger Balbulican said...

Ah, but that would mean it's not the FINAL stop - just one of an indeterminate sequence of intermediate stops. As you correctly note, those intermediate stops are all "complete" - since, of course, an 'incomplete' stop is not a stop at all. By specifying "final" and leaving it at that, you've said all that needs be said.

As for "deplaning" - shudder. Yes, but that's nowhere near as bad as the people who use the word "literally", literally.

December 29, 2009 10:14 pm  

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