Thursday, December 17, 2009

Doubt Grows Over Climate Talks

UPPERDATE: Remember that many people, Lord Monckton among them, have postulated that when the "Reds" lost their best hope with the collapse of communism, they ran like a good little herd of sheeples into the welcoming arms of the environmentalism. This week, in Copenhagen, we have a stage upon which all those former "Reds" are peeing their pants with glee. Look what was served up for them yesterday:

And speaking of former Reds, look what the Russians have brought to the table. Seems Russian raw data does not support the AGW theory, but that hasn't stopped the Warmists from carefully cherry-picking that which they could use.
UPDATE: It just doesn't get any better than this:

Blizzard Dumps Snow on Copenhagen as Leaders Battle Warming
"Climate talks at a UN conference in Copenhagen have reached a crisis point, with Germany's leader describing reports from talks as "not good" and a British politician warning of "a farce"."
What do you mean "not good"? The sooner this "farce" falls apart and the gaia groupies go home the better.


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