Monday, November 16, 2009

Still Waiting

I wonder what The Music God is up to? Has he been unable to find any relevant links to make his case against mine? Is he consulting with his masters at NDP headquarters for speaking points that might work? Or has he again, as I suspect, given up?

I don't want to hound the poor boy, but I would like to add one more to my list of links. Should he ever come back to duke it out, I might pull out all the rest as well, but this one provides a good summary of Saddam Hussein's rise to power through the vehicle of his own brutality. He didn't need no help from them 'Mericans.

Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti - The Evil Begins

Be sure to follow the links on the side of that page, especially the one entitled The Media Once Saw the Evil of Saddam. The bios of Uday and Qusay are also worth a read.


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