Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Smell of Gravy

Rwanda becomes a member of the Commonwealth
"The former colony of Germany and Belgium is the second country to be admitted without a British colonial past or constitutional link to Britain.

Mozambique is the only other Commonwealth member without historic UK ties."
Must be that gravy train.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on!

The whole of African leadership is nothing if not well able to smell out free money from guilt riddent developed country(s), that they can pocket their share of. The guilt provides the politiclly correct opaqueness that keeps the questions away. Years and years of guilt driven politically correct Aid have enriched the few and impoverished the many.

My only question is - what happens when the guilty are no longer guilty? What happens when someone says you have had 50 years of self governance and every one of them is a step backward from where you started. How does neo-colonialism explain such a large backward progress?

November 30, 2009 2:52 pm  

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