Muscle Flexing and Double Standards
"A CBSA spokeswoman, Patricia Giolti, confirmed the arrest, and his lawyer, Hadayt Nazami, said immigration officials had intended to deport him on security grounds unless he left voluntarily.He departed Canada last night."
"The Tigers are a banned terrorist organization under Canadian law."[---]
"Police have been investigating Tamil Tigers activities in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver since 2002.Never mind that the title is misleading, as obviously there were no deportation hearings, thank God. But it seems timid little old Canada is shedding its Liberal Party legacy and actually making a distinction between the "all cultures are equal" meme and the "not necessarily and certainly not always" meme.The investigation concluded that pro-rebel groups in Canada had funneled millions of dollars to the Tigers."
I'm not so sure about the Province of Ontario, though:
Two protests, two different OPP responses
No wonder so many Ontario residents are bitching about McSlippery.
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