Wednesday, November 04, 2009

All Eyes on Iran

Watch Winston's blog today for updates: The Spirit of Man

Gotta love his first report:
"Apparently pro-democracy people have gathered in front of Tehran university campus. People are chanting "Death to Russia" whenever the regime official asks them to chant 'Death to USA'."
Winston advises keeping an eye on this website for updates. Some samples:
"Usually reliable sources on Twitter said there has been a repeated use of teargas in Hafte Tir Square in Tehran. They also report that some protesters have been violently beaten by the security forces wielding batons. Metro stations have been blocked and there's a heavy police presence."
"Unsurprisingly the state media is ignoring the opposition protests and focusing instead on the official anti-US rallies. Press TV claims: "Tens of thousands of people from all walks of life and many political persuasions have staged a rally at the site of the former US embassy in Tehran, better known in Iranian history as the 'den of spies'."
Article in The Guardian: Iran's student day protests
"Rumours have been flying about what may happen today. There's speculation that pro-regime students plan to storm the UK embassy, but there's also talk that opposition protesters may do the same to the Russian embassy."
Azarmehr has coverage, too, starting here. More recent entries are above that. Lots of good links.

According to Azarmehr, the people are chanting: 'Obama You are Either on Their Side or on Our Side' Hmmmm! Sounds familiar, doesn't it. I wonder what leftards will do with that!


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