Thursday, November 19, 2009
First they let the king of Islamofacism speak. Now they deny Nonie Darwish the same podium. Just when did America's universities become practitioners of sedition? This has to stop.
About Me
- Name: Louise
- Location: Canada
A stubble jumper is a prairie farmer. I'm from Saskatchewan and my dad was a farmer, so the name is apt. "Redneck" needs no explanation. It's anyone who disagrees with a lunatic leftie. My blog is mostly about the Middle East but other issues also catch my eye and get me going. I monitor comments to keep out trolls and lunatic lefties. Anyone who is zealously anti-American and anti-democracy in the Middle East is NOT welcome.
Various Anglos Elsewhere (With Thanks to the British Empire)
Who Needs the Canadian Broadcorping Castration (CBC) When You've Got This?
AGW Scam Busters
Right Thinking Columnists
Good Stuff
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