Amusing Comment On CRUgate
"Found the following advice to staff on the University of East Anglia website:Guidance for staff
5 key facts that all staff should know about Freedom of Information* The Act gives everyone both in and outside UEA a right of access to ANY recorded information held by UEA
* A request for information must be answered within 20 working days
* If you receive a request for information which mentions FOI, is not information you routinely provide, is unusual, or you are unsure of, you should pass the request to your FOIA contact or the Information Policy and Compliance Manager
* You should ensure that UEA records are well maintained and accessible to other staff, so that they can locate information needed to answer a request when you are not there
* As all documents and emails could potentially be released under the Act, you should ensure that those you create are clear and professionalPriceless! Particularly the last two points. Apparently Phil Jones has never read this advice, or perhaps he thought this applied only to lower forms of life."
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