h/t Instapundit
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @ oldweesie@sasktel.net
I found that pretty funny and no problem with it; but I did have the following thought ... .
What if the genders were switched ... and the "older" hoste was a man and the "pilot" was a young babe?
What might the reaction be then?
Hopefully the same, but probably not. I think we could have fun coming up with the script that would work, though. You know. Something that could be semi-embarrassing for the old male host. Although this one, I suspect, was totally ad lib.
Though an avowed hetero myself, I can easily understand Meredith's reaction to the very handsome flyboy, Max. And Meredith, at 56, is still a very beautiful woman.
Had Max reacted with discomfort the whole episode would have been in poor taste, but he was a good sport so it was fun and funny. I think had the roles been reversed, the outcome would have been the same. Richard Dawson of Family Feud would indulge in sexually charged behavior on nearly every show and there were never any complaints.
Perhaps it isn't the gender roles, but the age difference that has compelled some folks to complain on other blogs in this case. Or, maybe people aren't used to hearing 'horny old lady' on a family game show.
Hey, what hot blooded hetero male wouldn't lap up a come-on like that from a beautiful woman. I suspect the guy was holding back with all his might. I wonder what they did after the show? Hmmm. X rated perhaps?
True confessions here. I do love the look of a good looking man in military uniform. Yum!! Ahem. "Finger" licking good.
(I'm blushing now.)
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