More Climate Hysteria
Telling Half the Story
"By now, I think most readers of this site have seen the asymmetry in reporting of changes in sea ice extent between the Arctic and the Antarctic. On the exact same day in 2007 that seemingly every paper on the planet was reporting that Arctic sea ice extent was at an “all-time” low, it turns out that Antarctic sea ice extent was at an “all-time” high. I put “all-time” in quotes because both were based on satellite measurements that began in 1979, so buy “all-time” newspapers meant not the 5 billion year history of earth or the 250,000 year history of man or the 5000 year history of civilization but instead the 28 year history of space measurement. Oh, that “all time”."Sinking Fast
"AGW zealots are indeed now facing a nightmarish conundrum. What to do to save their reputations and glittering careers as Chief Scientists, Presidents of the Royal Society, Government Ministers for Climate Change, Failed US Presidential Candidates Turned Nobel Prize-Winners, Journalistic Would-Be Stringers-Up of AGW-Deniers, green NGO empire-builders and professors whose entire livelihoods and academic status have accrued from more than two decades of peddling the biggest anti-science scam of all time but which is now threatening to expose them all to ridicule on an epic scale as global temperatures cool?Related:
The answer is that they pretend that this is not happening."
What would you do if you were asked to sign a petition to ban di-hydrogen monoxide?
h/t Climbing Out of the Dark
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