Monday, October 12, 2009


All hail the Metis fiddlers. I just love this music. As I said over at Darcy's place just now I was privileged to be one of the few who heard an old and dear friend of my parents play the fiddle once at his place when my dad and I were visiting him and his mom. He went into the bedroom and came back out with his fiddle and played it for us. Edward Racette was his name, and I'll never forget it.

Another time, when I was teaching on a reserve in Saskatchewan (before they called them First Nations), I attended a dance and had the great and invigorating opportunity to dance with a member of the reserve to a great fiddle tune. Damn near made me drop with exhaustion, but it's a memory I will never forget. Whew!!! There's no better way to keep in shape. Would have been even better if I hadn't had a few tokes earlier in the evening. But that was then - 1973 or something thereabouts. Don't do that stuff now, either dancing or toking. Like I say. Most of us grew up. Still, you can't beat a good old time fiddle tune.


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