Saturday, September 19, 2009

Unravelling the Beast!!

In what is probably the biggest, most powerful image to come out of Iran since the tragic last few minutes of Neda's life, someone has captured on video a group of protesters tearing down a Hezbollah flag. Take a look:

h/t Gateway Pundit

Right On...Iranian Freedom Protesters Rip Down Hezbollah Sign As Crowd Cheers



I'm pretty sure I'm going to live to see it. Iraq and Iran free and democratic!!

And what if in those two countries, and Afghanistan, Islam was beaten back and Zoroastrian philosophy was re-awakened.
"There are, in fact, two Irans, and the lesser known one to most Americans is undergoing a renaissance that the ruling Iranian mullahs fear the most. If the Persians are awakened to their identity as children of Cyrus the Great, who wrote mankind's first charter of human rights, these oppressive regimes will topple domino-style. Besides Iran, the Persian heritage is embedded in Iraq and Afghanistan, and were it to be rekindled, a revolution unheard of in scope could occur."
Imagine the possibilities.


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