Gates of Vienna is My Favourite
In this one, they talk about the overplay of leftard-inspired calls for apologies over historical wrongs and how those calls are so one-sided (incumbent only upon Europeans). There's a list of things for which Islam needs to apologize. It might be a good idea to expand this idea and come up with a list going all the way back in recorded time to see who needs to apologize to whom for the affronts of various conquerors, oppressors, fanatics and so on. Man, that would be a loooonnnng list.
A few weeks ago, I started a list of all the empires that have risen and fallen in the world since the beginning of recorded history. I might dust that off, finish it and publish it sometime in the next few days. We, the sons and daughters of evil Western imperialists are in good company. It's hard to find a place on the planet that hasn't produced an empire builder on one scale or another, unless of course we're talking about those people who hadn't yet developed beyond the basic technologies and social organization characteristic of hunter-gathers or others with simple social organizations, but even they were quite adept at warring with the neighbours in order to maintain access to coveted territory.
Like, maybe the Plains Cree should apologize to those who they pushed further south and west when they emerged from the forest with guns. There are plenty of other North American Indian groups who should be apologizing to others who were pushed aside, too. But, alas, we all know it's only those folks with white skin that have to apologize for history.
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