Monday, September 14, 2009

Franco-Canadian Lays It On the Line

Insanity Reigns in Quebec
"My threshold for dealing with the stupid has been reached."
"Specifically, I am talking about the home of my ancestors -- the beautiful but Twilight Zone-esque province of Quebec. The insanity coming out of this province has reached the point where I am considering anglicizing my name to "Arrow" to cut the ties forever.

Back in March, I wrote about the ridiculous protests over a planned anniversary reenactment of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. The British defeat of French forces 250 years ago is a pivotal moment in our history. Without it, there is no Canada. Now, some in Quebec are so offended by the fact the French lost the battle they threatened to kill the organizers of the reenactment and, in an staggering display of cowardice, the event was cancelled.

I should point out those offended by the French defeat, well, need a reality check. True, French military prestige crashed and burned like Stephane Dion's political career, but the real humiliation came after the battle was over. The Brits gave France the choice of hanging onto New France (now Quebec for the historically challenged) or their Caribbean island colony Guadeloupe. And guess what France decided?

That's right Quebec nationalists, ya'll were basically abandoned by the old country for a steady supply of bananas."
Hilarious. RTWT.


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