On Al Quds Day
h/t Blazing Cat Fur
And hello Lumpy, Grump and Frumpy. I'm adding you to my blogroll.
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @ oldweesie@sasktel.net
Hi & thanks!!!
Ummm.... 98% of Iranians are Muslim. Just not sure you were clear on that.
Ummm. Just what else are you confused about?
Let me tell you a little bit about my own personal history. #1. I was married to a muslim for 14 years. He was a half assed Muslim, mind you, but nevertheless, he was Muslim. He left his hometown of Baghdad Iraq in 1967 on vacation and never returned. He hated the violence and vitriol that Middle Eastern politics had descended into as a result of the many coups and counter coups that characterized politics in post colonial Iraq.
Another little tidbit that might interest you. During the height of the Ottoman Empire, Arabs were considered second class citizens. Consequently, about what must be eight or nine generations ago now, his ancestors changed their name to one that was Persian in order to gain advantage. Several generations later, during the Iran/Iraq war, that name became a disadvantage.
In fact one of my ex's sisters was deported from Iraq by Saddam Hussein for the sin of having married a man whose ancestors several generations previously had come from Persia. I also remember very clearly, as though it was yesterday, the group of Islamist students storming the American embassy, in essence seizing American property and taking Americans hostage (for 444 days). These were Muslim fanatics, Shell.
Sooo, the moral of the story is, don't presume to tell me about Islam and Muslims. If I make a joke or criticize Islamofascism or the main outcome of the last 60 years of Arab Nationalism (ie. the abuse and exploitation of Palestinians by their Arab brethern), just be aware that it is because I know enough about that world to know what I'm talking about and I won't suffer fools who come here with their politically correct garbage, the kind you can drown in over at Stooge Left's cartoonish blog. The goon that participate in protests about Israel, etc. etc. are stooges, too. And they are well deserving of he most harsh criticism anyone might wish to levy at them, whether in a reasoned, documented argument, or in sarcasm, which, by the way, is something the folks at Stooge Left get all huffy about, like the political kindergartners that they are.
Clear on that?
Oh, and the reference to Zoroastrians was a nod to a recent tidbit of information I read on some Iranian exile's blog the other day, essentially saying that there was a strong re-emergence of interest in the ancient religion of Zoraoastrianism in the land of its birth - Iran, in case you didn't know. Of course, such a development would be severely and violently suppressed in Iran now, with the Mad Mullah's in charge.
One other hilarious memory, from a long time ago. I was on TV. During Rahoulla Khomienie's funeral, way back in the early 1990's, or when ever it was, a crowd of his devoted followers were carrying his coffin through the streets when it tipped over and his body fell out. Kind of a fitting thing to have happened to an old goat who had inspired and continues to inspire so much brutal oppression and violence, wouldn't you say.
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