Anyone as old as I am who has been reasonably informed on global politics throughout the years will recall that in the old days of the Soviet Empire
political dissidents were routinely declared mentally unstable and placed in mental hospitals as a way of shutting them up and making others who may have been inclined to dissent think twice. The practice was
still in use in China in the early part of the current decade and other communist countries.
Well, it seems the AGW fanatics have begun to use the same strategy or are at least sowing the seeds of it.
Saskboy reported it on his blog today, but of course, being the naive little puppy that he is, it doesn't appear to have raised his eyebrows one iota even for a millisecond. These warmist freaks are getting really, really scary.
It's dishonest of you to suggest that it's about declaring deniers as "unstable". In fact, the report declares them normal human beings, responding to depressing stimuli in a typical manner.
Nice try, Saskboy, but no cigar. The report assumes that AGW is for real and that the lecherous deniers are simply stressed by it and therefore unable to act rather than that they are convinced that it's a crock. I'm sure you are aware of what folks like Suzuki and Hanson think should be done with "deniers".
Ergo Hanson: "In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature."
Ergo Suzuki: "What I would challenge you to do is to put a lot of effort into trying to see whether there's a legal way of throwing our so-called leaders into jail because what they're doing is a criminal act.."
Now, if that ain't a very loud echo of what dissenters in the Soviet Union had to face, I don't know what is.
I don't know what the first guy's deal is, but you do remember that Suzuki was imprisoned IN CANADA at a young age because of his race? He's going to have a slightly different view about things like this.
Of course the report assumes that Climate Change is real, it's a scientific fact. It's normal for a scientific study to work with other scientific facts. That you fail to grasp that is not going to put you into a Soviet state. You're already in a different kind of state: denial.
Sorry. Coming back a few days later I now see I spelled it wrong. The guy's name is Hansen - with an "e". If you still don't know who he is, then shame on you for swallowing the whole AGW thing without even knowing where it got started and by whom. James Hansen is the grand-daddy of the whole freaking mess. He's a NASA "scientist", but even his boss disagrees with his take on the global warming thing.
And about Suzuki, his experience with WWII internment camps as a kid is what awakened his love for nature, which he certainly has, but that ain't no excuse for someone to cloak himself with the mantel of scientific authority. It's interesting that you seem to be acknowledging that whatever scientific integrity he may have has been biased by what is essentially a political act.
To the extent that that is true (his bias results from this experience), and I think it is, it is not due to resentment regarding his family being in a Japanese internment camp but rather due to his becoming very close to nature and the wilds as a kid during that experience.
I once heard him talking on a television program about his childhood experience in just those term. He was a little kid and didn't understand the gravity of the political reasons for his family being there. Rather, he remembered it as being a great time during which he got to explore nature in all it's glory, which he thoroughly enjoyed.
But whatever the reason, that's no excuse for his saying what he said, especially if he really is a scientist. Real scientists know how to distinguish evidence from spin and know when the evidence is overwhelming and when it's still very much in dispute. Real scientists are always open to new information and will adjust their understanding when new contradictory evidence is presented. They don't advocate censorship and the withholding of data from scrutiny by their peers like so many of the AGW fanatics do.
Oh, and the bit about Suzuki's "race" is another canard. Canada was at war with Japan. No Chinese were in internment camps. No Koreans were in internment camps. Many German and Austrian Canadians suffered the same fate during WWI especially and the Germans to a lessor extent during WWII. I'm not saying such blanket policy was necessary or fair, but to say it was "race" based is bald-faced spin which leaves out critically important context. So cut the crap, Saskboy. When crap like that flows from your keyboard it calls into question your ability to eliminate crap at other times when you're pounding away at it.
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