Friday, August 14, 2009

No English! No French! No Thanks!

Accused family murderers appear in court
"Lawyers for the family say things are moving slowly, in part because of the language difficulties faced by their clients."
Are we to believe from this that neither the father, the mother or the brother could speak either of Canada's official languages???? Did they even know that what they did was considered first degree murder and that family honour is no excuse? How did this happen? Our immigration system really, really sucks.

How about this:

You don't get in unless you are fully fluent and functional in one of our official languages. Learning English, at least, should be no problem. It is the most commonly spoken language in the world. It is spoken as a second language by more people than any other language. It is being learned as a second language by more people than any other language. It shouldn't be that difficult to pick up the basics.

None of your relatives get in unless they are fluent in one of our official languages. No one who gets in is allowed to stay if they haven't fully integrated within five years, after which, you either become a citizen or head back home. If you come from a country where women's status in general is the pits, sorry. We'll let your women in, but not you, until and unless you can demonstrate your total rejection of such a value system, and then, only with your women's permission.


Don't ask me how we can administer that, but as far as I'm concerned it's worth considering.


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