Friday, August 28, 2009

My Apologies, But..

UPDATED AND BUMPED: Someone else noticed the same thing I did:
"I always got the sense, though, that he was not connected....I never got the sense that all of the partying and playing around for which he got into trouble was the real person or even that it gave him much pleasure."
"It seemed to me as if he were following his brothers' footsteps, doing what was expected of him, and still searching to discover who he really was. After the deaths of his brothers, Teddy had an almost fatalistic quality to his life. When he ran for president in 1980, I never really believed that he wanted to be president. His heart didn't seem to be in it. I felt as though he were running because he thought he should to carry on the family tradition."
...I will shed no tears nor will I temporarily put down my disrespect while paying homage to a man whose political career spanned the full breadth of my adult life.

If I were to write the obituary, the themes "sleazy nephew", "alcoholic wife" and most especially "Mary Jo Kopechne", would be hard to avoid. I'd even recall that period in his life when he seemed frankly uncomfortable, completely unready to assume the role as head of America's natural governing dynasty, its answer to the institution of royalty against which it rebelled two centuries earlier, as if he knew the role was expected of him by the Kennedy clan and was unable to break free of family pressures and be his own man. Maybe he feared he would suffer the same fate as his brothers before him, but in later years, his certainty of the validity of the hereditary privilege possessed by his family found ready expression in his bid to anoint his niece, Caroline Kennedy, a woman with no political credentials other than the family name, as Senator for New York State.

No. I would just say, hallelujah, the litany of worn out Kennedy clan pretension is over.

More of his stellar accomplishments here. (h/t Halls of Acadamia)


Anonymous derek demos said...

This is terrible. Did I miss something? She was probably rapped and then left to drown and die. The Kennedys are notorious for coming such crimes. Hate to say it, but it’s true

August 28, 2009 1:47 pm  
Blogger Indigo Red said...

Hey! Derek Demos left the exact same comment on my post. Wonder what that means?

As disgusting as raising Obama to heights of godhood is the ascension of the Kennedy family to American royalty. We fought a war to dump royalty and we've done quite nicely ever since.

Bowing to the facts, the disfunctional, self-destructive, in-bred Kennedy clan is as good as any of the European aristocracy.

August 28, 2009 2:58 pm  

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