Wednesday, August 05, 2009

More Bad News..

...for the AGW gestapo: German scientists reject manmade global warming
"More than 60 prominent German scientists have publicly declared their dissent from man-made global warming fears in an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The more than 60 signers of the letter include several United Nations IPCC scientists."
"...there's a growing body of evidence showing anthropogenic CO2 plays no measurable role,” the scientists wrote. “Indeed CO2's capability to absorb radiation is almost exhausted by today's atmospheric concentrations. If CO2 did indeed have an effect and all fossil fuels were burned, then additional warming over the long term would in fact remain limited to only a few tenths of a degree,” they added.

“The IPCC had to have been aware of this fact, but completely ignored it during its studies of 160 years of temperature measurements and 150 years of determined CO2 levels. As a result the IPCC has lost its scientific credibility,” the scientists wrote."


Blogger Balbulican said...

Funny. The two primary signatories of the letter are Dr. Holger Thuss, the head of the "President European Institute for Climate and Energy" (who's a lawyer, with no science degrees), and a retired geologist.

Let's see...there's one weatherman from Potsdam on the list - one professor of climatology - another weatherman - another weatherman - yet another weatherman - yet ANOTHER weatherman (this one with a degree in sociology, good, that DR. adds a little gravitas) - and, yup, that seems to be it. Of the entire list, only ONE actual climate scientist.

Well, that's probably a good thing. Actual understanding of climatology probably gets in the way of a good, strong ideological position, don't you think?

August 05, 2009 7:19 pm  

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