Monday, August 24, 2009

Electoral Reform

...Green version:

Constituencies shall henceforth be known as "bioregions"

Seems a disgruntled Green Party candidate who believes "'Secret decisions were made behind closed doors, in cabinet or at private meetings with corporate CEOs and lobbyists,' that could only be fought by winning the war for public opinion" is pissed off that his own Party would do the same. He's determined to run in the same riding into which Dizzy May was recently jettisoned.

Oh dear. At least the Green Party is proving to be biodegradable. By the time of the next national election, they should be fully decayed and returned to Mother Earth. Think of the lovely daisies that will blossom.

Seriously. What a bunch of lunatic flakes! As Andrew Potter says, their policies are blindsided by their behaviour:
" avalanche of goofy tree-huggery and retro-anticapitalism, and much of it (like the pledge to make Canada a nuclear weapons-free zone) reads like a Council of Canadians communiqué from 1986 filtered through stale bongwater."
Pushing up daisies.


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