Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

UPDATE: And another one.
Hype on melting Himalayan glaciers
"Contrary to the claims of global warming doomsayers, Ganjoo and Koul found no abnormal melting; neither did they find the melting that was occuring to be attributable to man-made causes. The geologists also dismiss claims by global warming doomsayers that the glacier, in the current Holocene period that followed the last Ice Age, was covered in 600-metre thick ice.

"To our surprise, the Siachen glacier valley does not preserve evidences of glaciation older than mid-Holocene, suggesting that the glacier must have advanced and retreated simultaneously several times in the geological past, resulting in complete obliteration and modification of older evidences," they stated."
"Ganjoo added that the east part of the Siachen glacier showed faster withdrawal of the snout that is essentially due to ice-calving, a phenomenon that holds true for almost all major glaciers in the Himalayas and occurs irrespective of global warming."
More dust eaten here.

Of course, no amount of science will convince our friends Balb or Saskboy. Their solution is to attack the messenger or send them to see a shrink.


Blogger Saskboy said...

Another lie. There's no talk of sending Climate Change deniers to see psychologists.

August 16, 2009 12:59 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Not yet. But the article you cite in your blog clearly indicates that the ground has been set. After all, when psychologists start talking about stress being the reason people don't take action, it's only a short step away to advocating then implementing psychological intervention for those who are "deniers". And that's how it happens, Saskboy. Classic mission creep.

August 16, 2009 1:46 pm  

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