Hey, Dino!
Marginalized Action Dinosaur got to attend an "Ezra" event (book signing, probably, but he doesn't actually say that). In the interests of spreading the word to "every Kanuckistani", here's some of his take on Ezra's talk:
"I liked when Ezra brought up that he thought cartoon violence was about Wiley Coyote."
"Ezra compared himself to a murderer and told little things like how if the police went to Clifford Olsons house without a warrant all the evidence would have been thrown out and the public up in arms. However if you run a magazine and they set their big government sights on you they can show up take your hard drive, take your dog and whatever else they want as they have kind of infinite rights. who cares about all the legal protections that evolved after a thousand or so years since the Magna Carta."
"Yet there were other more nefarious trials see if you are a criminal and don’t get a speedy trial they will be forced to drop all charges and they have let people walk. Not so fast with the human rights commissions. One grilling took 7 years. Where someone didn’t take the shake down and they gunned for them for almost a decade. Then another that went on for 20 years can you imagine being on trial long enough to have children and have them move out?"
"Essentially at all levels the law says you cannot print or say or do anything likely to expose someone to hatred or contempt.And to that I would add that the CBC should be shut down for exposing Americans to hatred or contempt.
So like if this worked for all Canadians the CBC should be shut down because they hate the word Christmas, well I don’t even want to count the number of socialist groups who hate and revile Christians they will never ever suffer for that."
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