Monday, May 11, 2009

The 57 State Solution

King Abdullah: "This is not a two state solution, it's a 57 state solution"
"What we are talking about is not Israelis and Palestinians sitting at the table, but Israelis sitting with Palestinians, Israelis sitting with Syrians, Israelis sitting with Lebanese. And with the Arabs and the Muslim world lined up to open direct negotiations with Israelis at the same time....So it’s the work that needs to be done over the next couple of months that has a regional answer to this — that is not a two-state solution, it is a 57-state solution....That is a very strong statement when we are offering a third of the world to meet them with open arms. The future is not the Jordan river or the Golan Heights or Sinai, the future is Morocco in the Atlantic to Indonesia in the Pacific."
There's a wee small part of me that believes it might actually happen. Sixty plus years, though, is a long time to wait. A long time to remain hopeful. So good luck with that, your majesty. May you do your father proud.


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