Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Farce in Geneva

More from Roger Simon on the "all racism, all the time" - a-hem - "anti-racism" conference.
"The UN wants everyone to go away and forget this conference as quickly as possible. The institution has received a horrible dose of publicity that led even the usually idolatrous BBC to raise a skeptical eye. --- here in the small city of Geneva especially, the UN is a machine, a money machine that brings in a significant proportion of the local GNP. No wonder the Swiss President, despite much criticism, was eager to shake the hand of the Iranian leader. --- Middle Eastern despots are cash cows for Geneva and the proximity of the UN to the local banks is no accident. --- the African-American (Shelby) Steele made some telling points that were taken up by the others --- implying that racism had diminished significantly and was now being used as an excuse for failure. It had become, in Steele’s words, a “distraction.” And that anti-Semitism was the biggest distraction of all, an obsession that turned people away from their own problems and prolonged them."
Kinda reminds you of Balbulican and the Indian Industry machine, doesn't it.

Videos here:

Walk Out

Sharia and Jihad

Please, please, please take down that despicable organization. The Swiss and New York be damned.


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