There Is Hope After All
Geert Wilders Freedom Party Leads Polls
"Mr Wilders' popularity has been rising ever since an Amsterdam appeals court decided to try him for anti-Muslim comments six weeks ago. He has since received even more exposure following Great Britain's refusal of permission to enter the country."h/t: Gay and Right
Also thanks to Gay and Right for linking to this story. I hadn't heard about this. Yet another reason to vote the Conservatives back in and to look to this Kenney guy as a future PM. Kinda funny in the comments at the bottom of the article, someone says "I thought there were no gay people in Iran? Damn Ahmadinajhad you lied to me!"
John Murney, if you're reading this, isn't it about time you re-examined your cherished myths about the Conservative Party and their alleged homophobia?
On related topic, Mark Steyn C-SPAN interviews here.
Hope he wins.
Me, too. And I hope the Brits oust the Labour Party in the next election and bring back Maggie Thatcher, or her clone, or Churchill's ghost. I'm thinking maybe Prince Harry should try to wiggle in there somehow. Maybe renouce his claim to the thrown and become a commoner.
Crap. *renounce* and *throne*
Geez, Louise, what did I do to deserve that? Did you miss your morning caffeine fix?!
For the record, Jason Kenney is doing a hell of a fine job as Immigration Minister, and is my number one pick to succeed Stephen Harper in the Prime Ministership. Jason 'gets it' - celebration and promotion of diversity by all means, but not on the public dime. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that approach.
Good thing you took your blogs down, John. I'd be able to quote line for line from your own words. Remember the gay marriage debate? You were solidly of the belief that Harper and his party were full of homophobes simply because they took the position that marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman.
I thought we were friends,and I have no idea what has brought on this behaviour from you. Bye bye!
Sorry you find it offensive to be judged by your own words, John. Have a good life.
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