Saskboy Hysteria Syndrome
At the same time, Canadian Blue Lemons provides a little explanation of what all the hysteria is really about:
"The point I think that is the stupidist thing about the whole looming global warming catastrophe and the subsequent sinking of Manhattan Island, Great Britain, PEI and Salt Spring Island is the forecasted rises in sea level.You see, Saskboy, that's why you and your fellow econuts are so easy to laugh at. Get a brain. Even a snail can move fast enough to get out of the way.
It's about 1 Foot!
Maybe as much as 3 Feet!
So, each year for the next 100 years we are gonna see the beaches rise by about 1/8 to 3/8 of an inch...
And each of us are gonna stand there for 8 years and see the water come up an extra one full inch and drown..."
Oh. And Saskboy, you might want to read this for an ego shattering experience regarding your take on the link between global warming and Katrina.
BTW, at the Canadian Blue Lemons link there's some other interesting info, too. RTWT.
Another problem with the rising sea level scare is that the sea levels never seem to rise. Where are the measurements for rising sea levels over the last 25 years? Global warming hysteria always deals with what might happen, never about what actually does.
Dude - former stubblejumper here...
Thanks for the link - Einstein said that the only difference between stupidity and genius is that there is a limit to genius...
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