Good Grief!!
One of them is Hameed Abid, a lowly engineer, living in exile in Great Britain, and a long-time commenter at Iraq the Model. This is what he had to say in the comments just a little over a month ago:
"One of the regrets is that people writing in this ITM, who could not or would not be in Iraq right now, could not feel and touch the profound changes that have taken place since the liberation of Iraq inside and outside of Iraq.So, Mr. Tutu. Take that and shove it where the sun don't shine. I hope Obama comes down hard on African dictators, too. But don't forget what George W. Bush did for Africa, you ungrateful wretch.
Iraqis inside and those outside are behaving differently from the pre liberation times.
My own family in Baghdad has changed beyond recogniton from five years ago.
Whilest they were wispering their displeasure at Saddam's regime, in fear, few years ago,some of them ended in the mass graves and eaten up by the acids in the torture chambers, and shot at point blanc range, now they shout their approvals for their freedom and democracy and their ability to practice their brands of religions without fear or intimidatins.
The boys - nephews and nieces sons and have married several wives from the other families and religions and the other Iraqis not Arabs/Muslims.
All thanks to the American and coaltion soldiers.
The Bush/Blair decision to go to war on Iraq with, or without whatever and pretext of WMD or other reasons or excuses, will be seen - Historically-as one of the most far sighted decisions taken by a USA/UK leaders in favour of the promotion and support of freedom and democracy for centuries past present and the future.
The majority of the Iraqi people will forever, be grateful to Bush and the American soldiers and their Coaltion Colleagues for what they achieved so far in Iraq.
There are so many unseen benefits, they are too numerous to mention."
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